A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2 years ago
We welcome contributions to this and any of `our open source projects`_. There are a number of ways to participate and contribute. See :ref:`contact`.
.. _our open source projects: https://docs.diff6.com
Issue Management
Reporting Issues
If you have found a bug or error in the documentation, please submit a request. See :ref:`contact`.
.. important::
Do **not** report security issues using the issue tracker. Instead, send an email to security@develmaycare.com with details on the issue you've discovered.
Submitting Feature Requests
Although we reserve the right to decline new features, we welcome all feature requests. See :ref:`contact`.
Testing and Quality Control
Testing involves using Script Tease in real life or in development. Feel free to report any issues you find, or to improve the unit tests.
Pull Requests
Pull requests are welcome. Such requests should be associated with an issue. We may ignore pull requests that do not have a corresponding issue, so create an issue if one does not already exist.
You may help spread awareness of Script Tease by writing blog posts. We are happy to link out to reviews and tutorials from our web site. `Let us know if you've created a blog post`_ that we can share. Be sure to include a link to the post.
You may also provide us with a guest post to be included on our blog.
.. _Let us know if you've created a blog post: https://develmaycare.com/contact/?product=Script%20Tease
.. note::
We reserve the right to proof and approve or decline all content posted on our web site.
Setting Up For Development
1. Clone the repo at https://github.com/develmaycare/python-scripttease
2. Create a virtual environment and install the requirements from ``requirements.pip``
Style Guide
Script Tease follows `PEP8`_ and (where appropriate) the `Django style guide`_ and `JavaScript Standard Style`_.
.. _Django style guide: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/internals/contributing/writing-code/coding-style/
.. _JavaScript Standard Style: https://standardjs.com
.. _PEP8: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
We *do* make a few exceptions and provide additional guidance which is documented in our `developer docs`_.
.. _developer docs: https://docs.develmaycare.com/en/developer/
.. include:: _includes/dependencies.rst
.. include:: _includes/tests.rst