A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import pytest
from scripttease.library.commands.templates import Template
from scripttease.library.overlays.centos import *
def test_apache():
c = apache("reload")
assert "apachectl –k reload" in c.get_statement()
c = apache("restart")
assert "apachectl –k restart" in c.get_statement()
c = apache("start")
assert "apachectl –k start" in c.get_statement()
c = apache("stop")
assert "apachectl –k stop" in c.get_statement()
c = apache("test")
assert "apachectl configtest" in c.get_statement()
with pytest.raises(NameError):
def test_command_exists():
assert command_exists("apache") is True
assert command_exists("nonexistent") is False
def test_service_reload():
c = service_reload("postfix")
assert "systemctl reload postfix" in c.get_statement()
def test_service_restart():
c = service_restart("postfix")
assert "systemctl restart postfix" in c.get_statement()
def test_service_start():
c = service_start("postfix")
assert "systemctl start postfix" in c.get_statement()
def test_service_stop():
c = service_stop("postfix")
assert "systemctl stop postfix" in c.get_statement()
def test_system():
c = system("reboot")
assert "reboot" in c.get_statement()
c = system("update")
assert "yum check-update" in c.get_statement()
c = system("upgrade")
assert "yum update -y" in c.get_statement()
with pytest.raises(NameError):
def test_system_install():
c = system_install("vim")
assert "yum install -y vim" in c.get_statement()
def test_system_uninstall():
c = system_uninstall("lftp")
assert "yum remove -y lftp" in c.get_statement()
def test_template():
t = template("/path/to/source.txt", "/path/to/target.txt")
assert isinstance(t, Template)
def test_user():
statement = user("deploy", groups="sudo", home="/path/to/deploy/root").get_statement()
assert "adduser deploy" in statement
assert "--home" in statement
assert "gpasswd -a deploy sudo" in statement
statement = user("deploy", op="remove").get_statement()
assert "userdel -r deploy" in statement
with pytest.raises(NameError):
user("deploy", op="unsupported")