A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
3.4 KiB

from commonkit import parse_jinja_string
# "venv", # ?
def django_command_parser(snippet, args=None, excluded_kwargs=None):
_excluded_kwargs = excluded_kwargs or DJANGO_EXCLUDED_KWARGS
# We need to remove the common options so any remaining keyword arguments are converted to switches for the
# management command.
_kwargs = snippet.kwargs.copy()
for name in _excluded_kwargs:
_kwargs.pop(name, None)
# We need to remove some parameters for dumpdata and loaddata. Otherwise they end up as switches.
if snippet.name in ("django.dumpdata", "django.loaddata"):
app_name = _kwargs.pop("app", None)
model_name = _kwargs.pop("model", None)
default_path = "fixtures/%s/initial.json" % app_name
if model_name:
default_path = "fixtures/%s/%s.json" % (app_name, model_name.lower())
path = _kwargs.pop("path", default_path)
if 'path' not in snippet.kwargs:
snippet.kwargs['path'] = path
a = list()
command_name = None
for key, value in _kwargs.items():
if key == "_name":
command_name = value
key = key.replace("_", "-")
if type(value) is bool:
if value is True:
a.append("--%s" % key)
a.append("--%s=%s" % (key, value))
context = snippet.context.copy()
context['args'] = args or snippet.args
context['command_name'] = command_name
context['switches'] = " ".join(a)
if type(snippet.content) is list:
b = list()
for i in snippet.content:
b.append(parse_jinja_string(i, context))
return " ".join(b)
return parse_jinja_string(snippet.content, context)
# def django_command_builder(tokens, *args, **kwargs):
# a = list()
# command_name = tokens.pop(0)
# if command_name == "command":
# command_name = tokens.pop(0)
# params = django_convert_params(*args, **kwargs)
# a.append("./manage.py %s" % command_name)
# if len(list(params)) > 0:
# a.append(" ".join(list(params)))
# return a
# def django_convert_params(*args, **kwargs):
# a = list()
# for key, value in kwargs.items():
# key = key.replace("_", "-")
# if type(value) is bool:
# if value is True:
# a.append("--%s" % key)
# else:
# a.append("--%s=%s" % (key, value))
# return " ".join(list(args)), " ".join(a)
django = {
'django': {
'check': "./manage.py check {{ switches }}",
'command': "./manage.py {{ command_name }} {% if args %}{{ ' '.join(args) }}{% endif %} {{ switches }}",
'dumpdata': [
"./manage.py dumpdata {{ app }}{% if model %}.{{ model }}{% endif %}",
# "--indent=4",
"{{ switches }}",
'> {{ path }}',
'loaddata': [
"./manage.py loaddata",
"{{ switches }}"
'{{ path }}',
'migrate': "./manage.py migrate {{ switches }}",
'static': "./manage.py collectstatic {{ switches }}",
'_default': "command",
'_parser': django_command_parser,
'_prefix': "source {{ virtualenv }}/bin/activate",
'_register': ["check", "migrate"]