A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Imports
import os
from ..commands import Command
# Exports
__all__ = (
# Functions
def _django(name, *args, venv=None, **kwargs):
4 years ago
"""Process a django-based command.
:param name: The name of the management command.
:type name: str
:param venv: The virtual environment to use.
:type venv: str
args and kwargs are used to instantiate the command instance.
This exists because we need ``django()`` to serve as an interface for any management command.
if venv is not None:
kwargs['prefix'] = "source %s/bin/activate" % venv
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "run %s django management command" % name)
# Base parameters need to be captured, because all others are assumed to be switches for the management command.
_kwargs = {
'comment': kwargs.pop("comment", None),
'condition': kwargs.pop("condition", None),
'cd': kwargs.pop("cd", None),
'environments': kwargs.pop("environments", None),
'function': kwargs.pop("function", None),
# 'local': kwargs.pop("local", False),
'prefix': kwargs.pop("prefix", None),
'register': kwargs.pop("register", None),
'shell': kwargs.pop("shell", "/bin/bash"),
'stop': kwargs.pop("stop", False),
'sudo': kwargs.pop('sudo', False),
'tags': kwargs.pop("tags", None),
statement = list()
statement.append("./manage.py %s" % name)
# Remaining kwargs are assumed to be switches.
for key, value in kwargs.items():
key = key.replace("_", "-")
if type(value) is bool:
if value is True:
statement.append("--%s" % key)
statement.append("--%s=%s" % (key, value))
if len(args) > 0:
statement.append(" ".join(args))
return Command(" ".join(statement), **_kwargs)
def django(name, *args, venv=None, **kwargs):
4 years ago
"""Run any Django management command.
- name (str): The name of the management command.
- venv (str): The of the virtual environment to use.
args are passed as positional arguments, while kwargs are given as switches.
if name == "check":
return django_check(venv=venv, **kwargs)
elif name in ("collectstatic", "static"):
return django_collect_static(venv=venv, **kwargs)
elif name == "migrate":
return django_migrate(venv=venv, **kwargs)
return _django(name, *args, venv=venv, **kwargs)
def django_check(venv=None, **kwargs):
4 years ago
"""Run the Django check command.
- venv (str): The of the virtual environment to use.
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "run django checks")
kwargs.setdefault("register", "django_checks_out")
return _django("check", venv=venv, **kwargs)
def django_collect_static(venv=None, **kwargs):
4 years ago
"""Collect static files.
- venv (str): The of the virtual environment to use.
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "collect static files")
return _django("collectstatic", venv=venv, **kwargs)
def django_dumpdata(app_name, base_path="local", file_name="initial", indent=4, natural_foreign=False,
natural_primary=False, path=None, venv=None, **kwargs):
4 years ago
"""Dump data from the database.
4 years ago
- app_name (str): The name (app label) of the app. ``app_label.ModelName`` may also be given.
- base_path (str): The path under which apps are located in source.
- file_name (str): The file name to which the data will be dumped.
- indent (int): Indentation of the exported fixtures.
- natural_foreign (bool): Use the natural foreign parameter.
- natural_primary (bool): Use the natural primary parameter.
- path (str): The path to the data file.
- venv (str): The of the virtual environment to use.
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "export fixtures for %s" % app_name)
output_format = kwargs.pop("format", "json")
_path = path or os.path.join(base_path, app_name, "fixtures", "%s.%s" % (file_name, output_format))
return _django(
"> %s" % _path,
def django_loaddata(app_name, base_path="local", file_name="initial", path=None, venv=None, **kwargs):
4 years ago
"""Load data into the database.
4 years ago
- app_name (str): The name (app label) of the app. ``app_label.ModelName`` may also be given.
- base_path (str): The path under which apps are located in source.
- file_name (str): The file name to which the data will be dumped.
- path (str): The path to the data file.
- venv (str): The of the virtual environment to use.
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "load fixtures for %s" % app_name)
output_format = kwargs.pop("format", "json")
_path = path or os.path.join(base_path, app_name, "fixtures", "%s.%s" % (file_name, output_format))
return _django("loaddata", _path, venv=venv, **kwargs)
def django_migrate(venv=None, **kwargs):
4 years ago
"""Apply database migrations.
- venv (str): The of the virtual environment to use.
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "run django database migrations")
return _django("migrate", venv=venv, **kwargs)
# Mapping
'django': django,
'django.check': django_check,
'django.collect_static': django_collect_static,
'django.dumpdata': django_dumpdata,
'django.loaddata': django_loaddata,
'django.migrate': django_migrate,