A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55 lines
1.6 KiB

3 years ago
site_name: Script Tease
copyright: Copyright © Pleasant Tents, LLC. All rights reserved.
- toc:
permalink: True
- admonition
- attr_list
- def_list
- pymdownx.superfences
3 years ago
2 years ago
- Introduction: index.md
- Getting Started: getting-started.md
- Topics:
2 years ago
- Steps File: topics/steps-file.md
2 years ago
- Variables File: topics/variables.md
- Itemized Commands: topics/itemized-commands.md
- Templates: topics/templates.md
- How-To:
- Create an Executable Script: how-to/create-executable-script.md
- Define a Custom Command: how-to/define-custom-command.md
- Post a Message to Slack: how-to/post-message-slack.md
- Post a Message to Twist: how-to/post-message-twist.md
- Use Script Tease with Common Kit: how-to/use-with-commonkit.md
2 years ago
- Usage:
- Apache: usage/apache.md
2 years ago
- Django: usage/django.md
- Messages: usage/messages.md
- MySQL: usage/mysql.md
- PHP: usage/php.md
- Packages: usage/packages.md
2 years ago
- Postgres: usage/pgsql.md
- POSIX: usage/posix.md
- Python: usage/python.md
- System: usage/system.md
- Users: usage/users.md
2 years ago
- CLI: cli.md
repo_name: Git Traction
repo_url: https://gittraction.com/diff6/python-scripttease
name: material
# Palette toggle for light mode
- scheme: default
icon: material/brightness-7
name: Switch to dark mode
# Palette toggle for dark mode
- scheme: slate
icon: material/brightness-4
name: Switch to light mode