The Script Tease package takes plain text instructions in INI or YAML (currently untested) format and converts them into valid command line statements for a given platform (currently CentOS and Ubuntu are supported). It does *not* provide support for executing these statements.
The provided command line interface (the ``tease`` command) loads configuration files containing instructions and may output these as a Bash script or as documentation.
However, it is possible to create your own implementation to provide input and gather output from the Script Tease library.
Commands are represented by Python functions. All functions return either a :py:class:`scripttease.lib.commands.base.Command` instance, or in some cases an instance of :py:class:`scripttease.lib.commands.base.MultipleCommands`. (The Template command may also be returned; it is handled specially.)
Such mappings are used by the :py:func:`scriptease.lib.factories.command_factory` to match a command name in a configuration file to the Python function that instantiates the Command.
The configuration that invokes this command would like like:
..code-block:: ini
[create a copy of the etc directory]
copy: /etc /tmp/
recursive: yes
Note that the configuration is self-documenting, and in fact, it is possible to output commands as documentation rather than a script.
Variables File
Prior to a Loader processing commands, configuration files may be parsed as Jinja2 templates. This allows variables to be loaded from a file and passed to the loader as a Context instance.
..code-block:: ini
# variables.ini
comment: The name of the database is the same as the domain name.
value: example_app
In the configuration file:
..code-block:: ini
[create the database]
pgsql.create: {{ db_name }}
Variables are collected in a :py:class:`scripttease.lib.contexts.Context` instance and are passed to the Loader.