import pytest from scripttease.lib.commands.posix import * def test_append(): c = append("/path/to/file.txt", content="testing = yes") assert 'echo "testing = yes" >> /path/to/file.txt' in c.get_statement() def test_archive(): c = archive( "/path/to/target", absolute=True, exclude="*.log", strip=1, view=True ) s = c.get_statement() print(s) # tar -czPv --exclude *.log --strip-components 1 -f ./archive.tgz /path/to/target assert "tar -czPv --exclude *.log --strip-components 1" in s assert "-f ./archive.tgz /path/to/target" in s def test_certbot(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): c = certbot("") c = certbot("", email="") s = c.get_statement() assert "certbot certonly --agree-tos --email -n" in s assert "--webroot -w /var/www/domains/example_com/www -d" in s def test_copy(): c = copy("/path/to/file.txt", "/path/to/new-file.txt") s = c.get_statement() assert "cp" in s assert "-n" in s assert "/path/to/file.txt /path/to/new-file.txt" in s c = copy("/path/to/dir", "/path/to/newdir", recursive=True) s = c.get_statement() assert "cp" in s assert "-R" in s assert "/path/to/dir /path/to/newdir" in s def test_directory(): c = directory("/path/to/dir", group="www-data", mode=755, owner="deploy", recursive=True) s = c.get_statement() assert "mkdir" in s assert "-m 755" in s assert "-p" in s assert "/path/to/dir" in s c = directory("/path/to/dir", mode="755") s = c.get_statement() assert "-m 755" in s c = directory("/path/to/dir", group="www-data", recursive=True) s = c.get_statement() assert "chgrp -R www-data" in s c = directory("/path/to/dir", group="www-data") s = c.get_statement() assert "chgrp www-data" in s c = directory("/path/to/dir", owner="deploy", recursive=True) s = c.get_statement() assert "chown -R deploy" in s c = directory("/path/to/dir", owner="deploy") s = c.get_statement() assert "chown deploy" in s def test_extract(): c = extract( "/path/to/archive.tgz", absolute=True, exclude="*.log", strip=1, view=True ) s = c.get_statement() assert "tar -xzPv --exclude *.log --strip-components 1" in s assert "-f /path/to/archive.tgz ./" in s def test_link(): c = link("/var/www/domains", force=True) s = c.get_statement() assert "ln -s" in s assert "-f" in s assert "/var/www/domains" in s def test_move(): c = move("/path/to/file.txt", "/path/to/file.txt.b") assert "mv /path/to/file.txt /path/to/file.txt.b" in c.get_statement() def test_perms(): c = perms("/path/to/dir", group="www-data", mode=755, owner="deploy", recursive=True) s = c.get_statement() assert "chgrp -R www-data /path/to/dir" in s assert "chown -R deploy /path/to/dir" in s assert "chmod -R 755 /path/to/dir" in s c = perms("/path/to/dir", mode=755) s = c.get_statement() assert "chmod 755 /path/to/dir" in s def test_prompt(): # This is just a placeholder to test the prompt() interface. See TestPrompt. c = prompt("testing") assert isinstance(c, Prompt) def test_remove(): c = remove("/path/to/dir", force=True, recursive=True) s = c.get_statement() assert "rm" in s assert "-f" in s assert "-r" in s assert "/path/to/dir" in s def test_rsync(): c = rsync( "/path/to/local/", "/path/to/remote", links=True, delete=True, exclude="deploy/exclude.txt", recursive=True, host="", key_file="~/.ssh/deploy", user="deploy" ) s = c.get_statement() assert "rsync" in s assert "--checksum" in s assert "--compress" in s assert "--copy-links" in s assert "--delete" in s assert "--exclude-from=deploy/exclude.txt" in s assert "-P" in s assert "--recursive /path/to/local/" in s assert '-e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/deploy -p 22"' in s assert "" in s c = rsync( "/path/to/local/", "/path/to/remote", links=True, delete=True, exclude="deploy/exclude.txt", recursive=True, ) s = c.get_statement() assert "rsync" in s assert "--checksum" in s assert "--compress" in s assert "--copy-links" in s assert "--delete" in s assert "--exclude-from=deploy/exclude.txt" in s assert "-P" in s assert "--recursive" in s assert "/path/to/local/" in s assert "/path/to/remote" in s def test_run(): c = run("ls -ls") s = c.get_statement() assert "ls -ls" in s def test_scopy(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): c = scopy("/path/to/local/file.txt", "/path/to/remote/file.txt") c = scopy( "/path/to/local/file.txt", "/path/to/remote/file.txt", key_file="~/.ssh/deploy", host="", user="deploy" ) s = c.get_statement() assert "scp -i ~/.ssh/deploy" in s assert "-P 22" in s assert "/path/to/local/file.txt" in s assert "" in s c = scopy( "/path/to/local/file.txt", "/path/to/remote/file.txt", host="", ) s = c.get_statement() assert "scp -P 22" in s assert "/path/to/local/file.txt" in s assert "" in s def test_sed(): c = replace("/path/to/file.txt", find="testing", sub="123") s = c.get_statement() assert "sed -i .b" in s assert "s/testing/123/g" in s assert "/path/to/file.txt" in s def test_sync(): c = sync( "/path/to/local/", "/path/to/remote", links=True, delete=True, exclude="~/exclude.txt", recursive=True, ) s = c.get_statement() assert "rsync" in s assert "--checksum" in s assert "--compress" in s assert "--copy-links" in s assert "--delete" in s assert "--exclude-from=~/exclude.txt" in s assert "-P" in s assert "--recursive /path/to/local/" in s def test_touch(): c = touch("/path/to/file.txt") assert "touch /path/to/file.txt" in c.get_statement() def test_wait(): c = wait(5) s = c.get_statement() assert 'sleep 5' in s def test_write(): c = write("/path/to/file.txt", content="testing 123") assert 'echo "testing 123" > /path/to/file.txt' in c.get_statement() content = [ "I am testing", "I am testing", "I am testing", "testing 123", ] c = write("/path/to/file.txt", content="\n".join(content)) s = c.get_statement() assert "cat > /path/to/file.txt << EOF" in s assert "I am testing" in s assert "testing 123" in s