************ Contributing ************ We welcome contributions to this and any of `our open source projects`_. There are a number of ways to participate and contribute. See :ref:`contact`. .. _our open source projects: https://docs.diff6.com Issue Management ================ Reporting Issues ---------------- If you have found a bug or error in the documentation, please submit a request. See :ref:`contact`. .. important:: Do **not** report security issues using the issue tracker. Instead, send an email to security@develmaycare.com with details on the issue you've discovered. Submitting Feature Requests --------------------------- Although we reserve the right to decline new features, we welcome all feature requests. See :ref:`contact`. Testing and Quality Control --------------------------- Testing involves using Script Tease in real life or in development. Feel free to report any issues you find, or to improve the unit tests. Pull Requests ------------- Pull requests are welcome. Such requests should be associated with an issue. We may ignore pull requests that do not have a corresponding issue, so create an issue if one does not already exist. Promotion ========= You may help spread awareness of Script Tease by writing blog posts. We are happy to link out to reviews and tutorials from our web site. `Let us know if you've created a blog post`_ that we can share. Be sure to include a link to the post. You may also provide us with a guest post to be included on our blog. .. _Let us know if you've created a blog post: https://develmaycare.com/contact/?product=Script%20Tease .. note:: We reserve the right to proof and approve or decline all content posted on our web site. Development =========== Setting Up For Development -------------------------- 1. Clone the repo at https://github.com/develmaycare/python-scripttease 2. Create a virtual environment and install the requirements from ``requirements.pip`` Style Guide ----------- Script Tease follows `PEP8`_ and (where appropriate) the `Django style guide`_ and `JavaScript Standard Style`_. .. _Django style guide: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/internals/contributing/writing-code/coding-style/ .. _JavaScript Standard Style: https://standardjs.com .. _PEP8: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ We *do* make a few exceptions and provide additional guidance which is documented in our `developer docs`_. .. _developer docs: https://docs.develmaycare.com/en/developer/ Dependencies ------------ .. include:: _includes/dependencies.rst Testing ------- .. include:: _includes/tests.rst