# Imports from commonkit import indent, parse_jinja_template, read_file, split_csv from jinja2 import TemplateNotFound, TemplateError import logging import os from ...variables import LOGGER_NAME log = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME) # Exports __all__ = ( "Command", "Content", "ItemizedCommand", "Prompt", "Sudo", "Template", ) # Classes class Command(object): def __init__(self, statement, cd=None, comment=None, condition=None, name=None, prefix=None, register=None, stop=False, sudo=None, tags=None, **kwargs): self.cd = cd self.comment = comment self.condition = condition self.name = name self.number = None self.prefix = prefix self.register = register self.statement = statement self.stop = stop self.tags = tags or list() if isinstance(sudo, Sudo): self.sudo = sudo elif type(sudo) is str: self.sudo = Sudo(enabled=True, user=sudo) elif sudo is True: self.sudo = Sudo(enabled=True) else: self.sudo = Sudo() self.options = kwargs def __getattr__(self, item): return self.options.get(item) def __repr__(self): if self.comment: return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.comment) return "<%s>" % self.__class__.__name__ def get_statement(self, cd=True, include_comment=True, include_register=True, include_stop=True): """Get the full statement. :param cd: Include the directory change, if given. :type cd: bool :param suppress_comment: Don't include the comment. :type suppress_comment: bool :rtype: str """ a = list() if cd and self.cd is not None: a.append("( cd %s &&" % self.cd) if self.prefix is not None: a.append("%s &&" % self.prefix) if self.sudo: statement = "%s %s" % (self.sudo, self._get_statement()) else: statement = self._get_statement() a.append("%s" % statement) if cd and self.cd is not None: a.append(")") b = list() if self.comment is not None and include_comment: b.append("# %s" % self.comment) if self.condition is not None: b.append("if [[ %s ]]; then %s; fi;" % (self.condition, " ".join(a))) else: b.append(" ".join(a)) if self.register is not None and include_register: b.append("%s=$?;" % self.register) if self.stop and include_stop: b.append("if [[ $%s -gt 0 ]]; exit 1; fi;" % self.register) elif self.stop and include_stop: b.append("if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; exit 1; fi;") else: pass return "\n".join(b) @property def is_itemized(self): """Always returns ``False``.""" return False def _get_statement(self): """By default, get the statement passed upon command initialization. :rtype: str """ return self.statement class Content(object): def __init__(self, content_type, caption=None, css=None, heading=None, height=None, image=None, message=None, width=None, **kwargs): self.caption = caption self.css = css self.heading = heading self.height = height self.image = image self.message = message self.width = width self.name = "content" self.type = content_type self.kwargs = kwargs def __getattr__(self, item): return self.kwargs.get(item) def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.content_type) @property def is_itemized(self): """Always returns ``False``. Content cannot be itemized.""" return False def get_output(self, output_format): if self.content_type == "explain": return self._get_message_output(output_format) elif self.content_type == "screenshot": return self._get_image_output(output_format) else: log.warning("Invalid content type: %s" % self.content_type) return None # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def get_statement(self, cd=True, include_comment=True, include_register=True, include_stop=True): """Override to return only bash output format.""" return self.get_output("bash") def _get_image_output(self, output_format): """Get the output of the content when the content type is an image.""" a = list() if output_format == "bash": if self.caption: a.append("# %s" % self.caption) a.append("# %s" % self.image) elif output_format == "html": b = list() b.append('") elif output_format == "md": a.append("![%s](%s)" % (self.caption or self.comment, self.image)) a.append("") elif output_format == "rst": a.append(".. figure:: %s" % self.image) if self.caption is not None: a.append(indent(":alt: %s" % self.caption, 8)) if self.height is not None: a.append(indent(":height: %s" % self.height, 8)) if self.height is not None: a.append(indent(":height: %s" % self.height, 8)) else: if self.caption: a.append("%s: %s" % (self.caption, self.image)) else: a.append(self.image) return "\n".join(a) def _get_message_output(self, output_format): """Get the output of the content when the content type is a message.""" a = list() if output_format == "bash": if self.heading: a.append("# %s: %s" % (self.heading, self.message)) else: a.append("# %s" % self.message) a.append("") elif output_format == "html": if self.heading: a.append("


" % self.heading) a.append("


" % self.message) elif output_format == "md": if self.heading: a.append("## %s" % self.heading) a.append("") a.append(self.message) a.append("") elif output_format == "rst": if self.heading: a.append(self.heading) a.append("=" * len(self.heading)) a.append("") a.append(self.message) a.append("") else: if self.heading: a.append("***** %s *****" % self.heading) a.append("") a.append(self.message) a.append("") return "\n".join(a) class ItemizedCommand(object): """An itemized command represents multiple commands of with the same statement but different parameters.""" def __init__(self, callback, items, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the command. :param callback: The function to be used to generate the command. :param items: The command arguments. :type items: list[str] :param name: The name of the command from the mapping. Not used and not required for programmatic use, but automatically assigned during factory instantiation. :type name: str :param args: The itemized arguments. ``$item`` should be included. Keyword arguments are passed to the command class upon instantiation. """ self.args = args self.callback = callback self.items = items self.kwargs = kwargs # Set defaults for when ItemizedCommand is referenced directly before individual commands are instantiated. For # example, when command filtering occurs. self.kwargs.setdefault("tags", list()) def __getattr__(self, item): return self.kwargs.get(item) def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.callback.__name__) def get_commands(self): """Get the commands to be executed. :rtype: list[BaseType(Command)] """ kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() a = list() for item in self.items: args = list() for arg in self.args: args.append(arg.replace("$item", item)) command = self.callback(*args, **kwargs) a.append(command) return a def get_statement(self, cd=True, include_comment=True, include_register=True, include_stop=True): """Override to get multiple commands.""" kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() comment = kwargs.pop("comment", "execute multiple commands") a = list() if include_comment: a.append("# %s" % comment) commands = self.get_commands() for c in commands: a.append(c.get_statement(cd=cd, include_comment=False, include_register=include_register, include_stop=include_stop)) return "\n".join(a) @property def is_itemized(self): """Always returns ``True``.""" return True class Prompt(Command): """Prompt the user for input.""" def __init__(self, name, back_title="Input", choices=None, default=None, dialog=False, help_text=None, label=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a prompt for user input. :param name: The variable name. :type name: str :param back_title: The back title of the input. Used only when ``dialog`` is enabled. :type back_title: str :param choices: Valid choices for the variable. May be given as a list of strings or a comma separated string. :type choices: list[str] | str :param default: The default value of the variable. :param dialog: Indicates the dialog command should be used. :type dialog: bool :param help_text: Additional text to display. Only use when ``fancy`` is ``True``. :type help_text: str :param label: The label of the prompt. """ self.back_title = back_title self.default = default self.dialog_enabled = dialog self.help_text = help_text self.label = label or name.replace("_", " ").title() self.variable_name = name if type(choices) in (list, tuple): self.choices = choices elif type(choices) is str: self.choices = split_csv(choices, smart=False) else: self.choices = None kwargs.setdefault("comment", "prompt user for %s input" % name) super().__init__(name, **kwargs) def get_statement(self, cd=True, include_comment=True, include_register=True, include_stop=True): """Get the statement using dialog or read.""" if self.dialog_enabled: return self._get_dialog_statement() return self._get_read_statement() def _get_dialog_statement(self): """Get the dialog statement.""" a = list() a.append('dialog --clear --backtitle "%s" --title "%s"' % (self.back_title, self.label)) if self.choices is not None: a.append('--menu "%s" 15 40 %s' % (self.help_text or "Select", len(self.choices))) count = 1 for choice in self.choices: a.append('"%s" %s' % (choice, count)) count += 1 a.append('2>/tmp/input.txt') else: if self.help_text is not None: a.append('--inputbox "%s"' % self.help_text) else: a.append('--inputbox ""') a.append('8 60 2>/tmp/input.txt') b = list() b.append('touch /tmp/input.txt') b.append(" ".join(a)) b.append('%s=$(