import pytest from scripttease.library.overlays.common import * def test_python_pip(): c = python_pip("Pillow") assert "pip3 install Pillow" in c.get_statement() c = python_pip("Pillow", upgrade=True) assert "--upgrade" in c.get_statement() c = python_pip("Pillow", venv="python") assert "source python/bin/activate" in c.get_statement() def test_python_virtual_env(): c = python_virtualenv("python") assert "virtualenv python" in c.get_statement() def test_run(): c = run("ls -ls") assert "ls -ls" in c.get_statement() def test_slack(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): slack("This is a test.") c = slack("This is a test.", url="") s = c.get_statement(suppress_comment=True) assert "curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data" in s assert "This is a test." in s assert "" in s def test_twist(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): twist("This is a test.") c = twist("This is a test.", url="") s = c.get_statement(suppress_comment=True) print(s) def test_udf(): c = udf("testing") s = c.get_statement() assert s == '# ' c = udf("testing", default="yes") s = c.get_statement() assert s == '# ' c = udf("testing", example="") s = c.get_statement() assert s == '# '