# Post a Message to Slack The `slack` command may be used to send a message to a Slack channel. This uses the Incoming Webhooks feature, which requires some additional setup. !!! note The following steps were accurate as of September 2020. ## 1) Log in to Slack Log in to Slack and go to [Your Apps](https://api.slack.com/apps). ## 2) Create New Slack App Create a new Slack app. ## 3) Select Incoming Webhooks On the next page, select Incoming Webhooks and then toggle activation. ![incoming webhooks](images/slack-1.jpg) ## 4) Select Channel Next, click "Add new Webhook to Workspace" and select the channel to which the message will be posted. ![slack 2](images/slack-2.jpg) ![slack 3](images/slack-3.jpg) ## 5) Copy the URL Copy the URL for the new webhook to use as the ``url`` parameter for the Slack command. ```ini [send a message to slack] slack: "This is a test message." url: the URL you created goes here ``` !!! tip Define this URL in a `variables.ini` file if you need to send multiple messages to the same channel.