.PHONY: docs help tests # The path to source code to be counted with cloc. PACKAGE_NAME := scripttease # The name of the project on disk. PROJECT_NAME := python-scripttease # The directory where test coverage is generated. COVERAGE_PATH := docs/build/html/coverage # $(file) may not work depending upon version of make. #RELEASE := $(strip $(file < RELEASE.txt)) RELEASE := $(strip `cat RELEASE.txt`) VERSION := $(strip `cat VERSION.txt`) # Attempt to load a local makefile which may override any of the values above. -include local.makefile #> help - Show help. help: @echo "" @echo "Management Commands" @echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" @cat Makefile | grep "^#>" | sed 's/\#\> //g'; @echo "" #> backup - Create a backup of the project. backup: cd ~/Work && tar -czvf $(PROJECT_NAME).tgz $(PROJECT_NAME); mv ~/Work/$(PROJECT_NAME).tgz ~/Dropbox/backups/; #> dist - Create a distribution of the package. dist: cp DESCRIPTION.txt $(PACKAGE_NAME)/; cp LICENSE.txt $(PACKAGE_NAME)/; cp VERSION.txt $(PACKAGE_NAME)/; @rm -Rf build/*; @rm -Rf dist/*; @rm -Rf *.egg-info; python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel; twine check dist/*; rm $(PACKAGE_NAME)/*.txt; #> docs - Generate documentation. docs: lines cd docs && make dirhtml; cd docs && make html; cd docs && make coverage; open docs/build/coverage/python.txt; open docs/build/html/index.html; #> clean - Remove pyc files and documentation builds. clean: find . -name '*.pyc' -delete; (cd docs && make clean); # lines - Generate lines of code report. lines: rm -f docs/source/_data/cloc.csv; echo "files,language,blank,comment,code" > docs/source/_data/cloc.csv; cloc $(PACKAGE_NAME) --csv --quiet --unix --report-file=tmp.csv tail -n +2 tmp.csv >> docs/source/_data/cloc.csv; rm tmp.csv; #> publish - Publish to PYPI. publish: twine upload --repository-url https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*; #> secure - Run security checks on the code base. secure: bandit -r $(PACKAGE_NAME); #> tests - Run unit tests and generate coverage report. tests: coverage run --source=. -m pytest; coverage html --directory=$(COVERAGE_PATH); open $(COVERAGE_PATH)/index.html;