.. _commands: ******** Commands ******** .. code-block:: text usage: tease [-h] [-c] [-C= VARIABLES] [-d] [-D] [-f= FILTERS] [-O= OPTIONS] [-s] [-T= TEMPLATE_LOCATIONS] [-w= OUTPUT_FILE] [-V= VARIABLES_FILE] [-v] [--version] [path] positional arguments: path The path to the configuration file. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c, --color Enable code highlighting for terminal output. -C= VARIABLES, --context= VARIABLES Context variables for use in pre-parsing the config and templates. In the form of: name:value -d, --docs Output documentation instead of code. -D, --debug Enable debug output. -f= FILTERS, --filter= FILTERS Filter the commands in the form of: attribute:value -O= OPTIONS, --option= OPTIONS Common command options in the form of: name:value -s, --script Output commands as a script. -T= TEMPLATE_LOCATIONS, --template-path= TEMPLATE_LOCATIONS The location of template files that may be used with the template command. -w= OUTPUT_FILE, --write= OUTPUT_FILE Write the output to disk. -V= VARIABLES_FILE, --variables-file= VARIABLES_FILE Load variables from a file. -v Show version number and exit. --version Show verbose version information and exit. NOTES This command is used to parse configuration files and output the commands. Using the Tease Command ======================= The ``tease`` command may be used to parse a configuration file, providing additional utilities for working with commands. The ``path`` argument defaults to ``commands.ini``. Context Variables May be Provided on the Command Line ----------------------------------------------------- To supply context variables on the command line: .. code-block:: bash tease -C domain_name:example.com -C domain_tld:example_com Loading Context Variables from a File ------------------------------------- Context variables may be loaded from a file: .. code-block:: ini [domain] name = example.com tld = example_com The variables above are available as ``section_key``. For example, ``domain_name`` is ``example.com``. .. code-block:: bash tease -V variables.ini Setting Common Options for All Commands --------------------------------------- Rather than include a common parameter in the configuration file, it is possible to specify a common option on the command line. .. code-block:: bash tease -O sudo:yes The Difference Between Variables and Options -------------------------------------------- Variables are used to pre-process configuration files as templates, while common options are passed to *all* command instances.