import pytest from scripttease.library.commands.templates import Template from scripttease.library.overlays.ubuntu import * def test_apache(): c = apache("reload") assert "service apache2 reload" in c.get_statement() c = apache("restart") assert "service apache2 restart" in c.get_statement() c = apache("start") assert "service apache2 start" in c.get_statement() c = apache("stop") assert "service apache2 stop" in c.get_statement() c = apache("test") assert "apachectl configtest" in c.get_statement() with pytest.raises(NameError): apache("nonexistent") def test_apache_disable_module(): c = apache_disable_module("mod_ssl") assert "a2dismod mod_ssl" in c.get_statement() def test_apache_disable_site(): c = apache_disable_site("default") assert "a2dissite default" in c.get_statement() def test_apache_enable_module(): c = apache_enable_module("mod_wsgi") assert "a2enmod mod_wsgi" in c.get_statement() def test_apache_enable_site(): c = apache_enable_site("") assert "a2ensite" in c.get_statement() def test_command_exists(): assert command_exists("apache") is True assert command_exists("nonexistent") is False def test_service_reload(): c = service_reload("postfix") assert "service postfix reload" in c.get_statement() def test_service_restart(): c = service_restart("postfix") assert "service postfix restart" in c.get_statement() def test_service_start(): c = service_start("postfix") assert "service postfix start" in c.get_statement() def test_service_stop(): c = service_stop("postfix") assert "service postfix stop" in c.get_statement() def test_system(): c = system("reboot") assert "reboot" in c.get_statement() c = system("update") assert "apt-get update -y" in c.get_statement() c = system("upgrade") assert "apt-get upgrade -y" in c.get_statement() with pytest.raises(NameError): system("nonexistent") def test_system_install(): c = system_install("vim") assert "apt-get install -y vim" in c.get_statement() def test_system_uninstall(): c = system_uninstall("lftp") assert "apt-get uninstall -y lftp" in c.get_statement() def test_template(): t = template("/path/to/source.txt", "/path/to/target.txt") assert isinstance(t, Template) def test_user(): statement = user("deploy", groups="sudo", home="/path/to/deploy/root").get_statement() assert "adduser deploy" in statement assert "--home" in statement assert "adduser deploy sudo" in statement statement = user("deploy", op="remove").get_statement() assert "deluser deploy" in statement with pytest.raises(NameError): user("deploy", op="unsupported")