A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
1.6 KiB

import pytest
from scripttease.exceptions import InvalidInput
from scripttease.lib.commands.base import Command
from scripttease.lib.loaders import INILoader
from scripttease.lib.factories import *
def bad_custom_command(path):
# this will fail because the function doesn't except kwargs.
def custom_command(path, **kwargs):
return Command("ls -ls %s" % path, name="custom", **kwargs)
def test_command_factory():
ini = INILoader("tests/examples/kitchen_sink.ini")
assert command_factory(ini, profile="nonexistent") is None
ini = INILoader("tests/examples/kitchen_sink.ini")
commands = command_factory(ini)
assert len(commands) == 49
ini = INILoader("tests/examples/bad_command.ini")
commands = command_factory(ini)
assert len(commands) == 0
ini = INILoader("tests/examples/apache_examples.ini")
commands = command_factory(ini)
assert len(commands) == 2
# This should result in no commands because CentOS doesn't have enable/disable site or module.
ini = INILoader("tests/examples/apache_examples.ini")
commands = command_factory(ini, profile="centos")
assert len(commands) == 0
ini = INILoader("tests/examples/custom_example.ini")
commands = command_factory(ini, mappings={'custom': custom_command})
assert len(commands) == 3
ini = INILoader("tests/examples/bad_custom_example.ini")
with pytest.raises(InvalidInput):
command_factory(ini, mappings={'bad_custom': bad_custom_command})