A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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[run django checks]
django: check
[export fixtures]
django: dump lookups.Category
[import fixtures]
django: load lookups.Category
[migrate the database]
django: migrate
[collect static files]
django: static
[create super user (ad hoc command)]
django: createsuperuser root
from ...constants import EXCLUDED_KWARGS
from .base import Command
def django(management_command, *args, excluded_kwargs=None, **kwargs):
"""Common function for assembling Django management commands.
:param management_command: The name of the management command.
:type management_command: str
:param excluded_kwargs: A dictionary of kwargs that should be excluded from the management command parameters.
:param excluded_kwargs: dict
:rtype: scripttease.lib.commands.base.Command
If provided, args are passed directly to the command as positional parameters.
Any provided kwargs are converted to long form parameters. For example, database="alternative_db" becomes
A kwarg with a ``True`` value becomes a long form parameter with no value. For example, natural_foreign=True becomes
Finally, any kwarg that is not a string is passed without quotes. For example, testing=1 becomes ``--testing=1``.
# The excluded parameters (filtered below) may vary based on implementation. We do, however, need a default.
excluded_kwargs = excluded_kwargs or EXCLUDED_KWARGS
venv = kwargs.pop("venv", None)
if venv is not None:
kwargs['prefix'] = "source %s/bin/activate" % venv
# Django's management commands can have a number of options. We need to filter out internal parameters so that these
# are not used as options for the management command.
_kwargs = dict()
for key in excluded_kwargs:
if key in kwargs:
_kwargs[key] = kwargs.pop(key)
if 'comment' not in _kwargs:
_kwargs['comment'] = "run %s django management command" % management_command
a = list()
a.append("./manage.py %s" % management_command)
for key, value in kwargs.items():
key = key.replace("_", "-")
if type(value) is bool and value is True:
a.append("--%s" % key)
elif type(value) is str:
a.append('--%s="%s"' % (key, value))
a.append('--%s=%s' % (key, value))
_args = list(args)
if len(_args) > 0:
a.append(" ".join(_args))
statement = " ".join(a)
return Command(statement, **_kwargs)
def django_check(**kwargs):
"""Run Django checks."""
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "run django checks")
kwargs.setdefault("register", "django_checks_out")
return django("check", **kwargs)
def django_createsuperuser(username, email=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a superuser account.
:param username: The name for the user account.
:type username: str
:param email: The user's email address. Optional, but recommended because the account must be created without a
:type email: str
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "create the %s superuser" % username)
kwargs['username'] = username
kwargs['noinput'] = True
if email is not None:
kwargs['email'] = email
return django("createsuperuser", **kwargs)
def django_dump(target, path=None, **kwargs):
"""Dump data fixtures.
:param target: The app name or ``app.ModelName``.
:type target: str
:param path: The path to the fixture file.
:type path: str
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "dump app/model data for %s" % target)
kwargs.setdefault("format", "json")
kwargs.setdefault("indent", 4)
app = target
file_name = "%s/initial.%s" % (app, kwargs['format'])
if "." in target:
app, model = target.split(".")
file_name = "%s/%s.%s" % (app, model.lower(), kwargs['format'])
if path is None:
path = "../fixtures/%s" % file_name
return django("dumpdata", target, "> %s" % path, **kwargs)
def django_load(target, path=None, **kwargs):
"""Load data fixtures.
:param target: The app name or ``app.ModelName``.
:type target: str
:param path: The path to the fixture file.
:type path: str
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "load app/model data from %s" % target)
input_format = kwargs.pop("format", "json")
app = target
file_name = "%s/initial.%s" % (app, input_format)
if "." in target:
app, model = target.split(".")
file_name = "%s/%s.%s" % (app, model.lower(), input_format)
if path is None:
path = "../fixtures/%s" % file_name
return django("loaddata", path, **kwargs)
def django_migrate(**kwargs):
"""Apply database migrations."""
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "apply database migrations")
return django("migrate", **kwargs)
def django_static(**kwargs):
"""Collect static files."""
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "collect static files")
kwargs.setdefault("noinput", True)
return django("collectstatic", **kwargs)
'django': django,
'django.check': django_check,
'django.collectstatic': django_static,
'django.createsuperuser': django_createsuperuser,
'django.dump': django_dump,
'django.dumpdata': django_dump,
'django.load': django_load,
'django.loaddata': django_load,
'django.migrate': django_migrate,
'django.static': django_static,