A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
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disable_module = a2dismod {{ module_name }}
disable_site = a2dissite {{ domain_name }}.conf
enable_module = a2enmod {{ module_name }}
enable_site = a2ensite {{ domain_name }}.conf
reload = service apache2 reload
restart = service apache2 restart
start = service apache2 start
stop = service apache2 stop
test = apachectl configtest
system = apt-get install -y {{ package_name }}
pip = pip3 install{% if upgrade %} --upgrade{% endif %} --quiet {{ package_name }}
system = apt-get uninstall -y {{ package_name }}
pip = pip3 uninstall --quiet {{ package_name }}
install = apt-get install -y {{ package_name }}
reboot = reboot
remove = apt-get uninstall -y {{ package_name }}
update = apt-get update -y
upgrade = apt-get upgrade -y
virtualenv = virtualenv {{ name }}
install = pip3 install{% if upgrade %} --upgrade{% endif %} --quiet {{ package_name }}
remove = pip3 uninstall --quiet {{ package_name }}
append = echo "{{ content }}" >> {{ path }}
chgrp = chgrp{% if recursive %} -R{% endif %} {{ group }} {{ path }}
chmod = chmod{% if recursive %} -R{% endif %} {{ owner }} {{ path }}
chown = chown{% if recursive %} -R{% endif %} {{ mode }} {{ path }}
copy = cp{% if recursive %} -R{% endif %}{% if overwrite %} -n{% endif %} {{ from_path }} {{ to_path }}
mkdir = mkdir{% if mode %} -m {{ mode }}{% endif %}{% if recursive %} -p{% endif %} {{ path }}
move = move {{ from_path }} {{ to_path }}
rename = move {{ from_path }} {{ to_path }}
remove = rm{% if force %} -f{% endif %}{% if recursive %} -r{% endif %} {{ path }}
;rsync = ?
;scopy = ?
;sed = ?
symlink = ln -s{% if force %} -f{% endif %} {{ source }} {{ target }}
touch = touch {{ path }}
;write = ?