A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import pytest
from scripttease.library.overlays.posix import *
def test_archive():
c = archive(
s = c.get_statement()
# tar -czPv --exclude *.log --strip-components 1 -f ./archive.tgz /path/to/target
assert "tar -czPv --exclude *.log --strip-components 1" in s
assert "-f ./archive.tgz /path/to/target" in s
def test_certbot():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
c = certbot("example.com")
c = certbot("example.com", email="webmaster@example.com")
s = c.get_statement()
assert "certbot certonly --agree-tos --email webmaster@example.com -n" in s
assert "--webroot -w /var/www/domains/example_com/www -d example.com" in s
def test_dialog():
c = dialog("This is a test.", title="Testing")
s = c.get_statement(suppress_comment=True)
# dialog --clear --backtitle "Testing" --msgbox "This is a test." 15 100; clear;
assert 'dialog --clear --backtitle "Testing"' in s
assert '--msgbox "This is a test." 15 100; clear;'
def test_echo():
c = echo("This is a test.")
s = c.get_statement(suppress_comment=True)
assert "echo" in s
assert "This is a test." in s
def test_extract():
c = extract(
s = c.get_statement()
assert "tar -xzPv --exclude *.log --strip-components 1" in s
assert "-f /path/to/archive.tgz ./" in s
def test_file_append():
c = file_append("/path/to/file.txt", content="testing = yes")
assert 'echo "testing = yes" >> /path/to/file.txt' in c.get_statement()
def test_file_copy():
c = file_copy("/path/to/file.txt", "/path/to/new-file.txt")
s = c.get_statement()
assert "cp" in s
assert "-n" in s
assert "/path/to/file.txt /path/to/new-file.txt" in s
c = file_copy("/path/to/dir", "/path/to/newdir", recursive=True)
s = c.get_statement()
assert "cp" in s
assert "-R" in s
assert "/path/to/dir /path/to/newdir" in s
def test_file_write():
c = file_write("/path/to/file.txt", content="testing 123")
assert 'echo "testing 123" > /path/to/file.txt' in c.get_statement()
content = [
"I am testing",
"I am testing",
"I am testing",
"testing 123",
c = file_write("/path/to/file.txt", content="\n".join(content))
s = c.get_statement()
assert "cat > /path/to/file.txt << EOF" in s
assert "I am testing" in s
assert "testing 123" in s
def test_mkdir():
c = mkdir("/path/to/dir", mode=755, recursive=True)
s = c.get_statement()
assert "mkdir" in s
assert "-m 755" in s
assert "-p" in s
assert "/path/to/dir" in s
def test_move():
c = move("/path/to/file.txt", "/path/to/file.txt.b")
assert "mv /path/to/file.txt /path/to/file.txt.b" in c.get_statement()
def test_perms():
c = perms("/path/to/dir", group="www-data", mode=755, owner="deploy", recursive=True)
s = c.get_statement()
assert "chgrp -R www-data /path/to/dir" in s
assert "chown -R deploy /path/to/dir" in s
assert "chmod -R 755 /path/to/dir" in s
def test_prompt():
# This is just a placeholder to test the prompt() interface. See TestPrompt.
c = prompt("testing")
assert isinstance(c, Prompt)
def test_remove():
c = remove("/path/to/dir", force=True, recursive=True)
s = c.get_statement()
assert "rm" in s
assert "-f" in s
assert "-r" in s
assert "/path/to/dir" in s
def test_rename():
c = rename("/path/to/file.txt", "/path/to/renamed.txt")
assert "mv /path/to/file.txt /path/to/renamed.txt" in c.get_statement()
def test_rsync():
c = rsync(
s = c.get_statement()
assert "rsync --cvs-exclude --checksum --compress --copy-links --delete" in s
assert "--exclude-from=deploy/exclude.txt" in s
assert "-P" in s
assert "--recursive /path/to/local/" in s
assert '-e "ssh -i ~/.ssh/deploy -p 22"' in s
assert "deploy@example.com:/path/to/remote" in s
c = rsync(
s = c.get_statement()
assert "rsync --cvs-exclude --checksum --compress --copy-links --delete" in s
assert "--exclude-from=deploy/exclude.txt" in s
assert "-P" in s
assert "--recursive" in s
assert "/path/to/local/" in s
assert "/path/to/remote" in s
def test_scopy():
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
c = scopy("/path/to/local/file.txt", "/path/to/remote/file.txt")
c = scopy(
s = c.get_statement()
assert "scp -i ~/.ssh/deploy" in s
assert "-P 22" in s
assert "/path/to/local/file.txt" in s
assert "deploy@example.com:/path/to/remote/file.txt" in s
c = scopy(
s = c.get_statement()
assert "scp -P 22" in s
assert "/path/to/local/file.txt" in s
assert "example.com:/path/to/remote/file.txt" in s
def test_sed():
c = sed("/path/to/file.txt", find="testing", replace="123")
s = c.get_statement()
assert "sed -i .b" in s
assert "s/testing/123/g" in s
assert "/path/to/file.txt" in s
def test_symlink():
c = symlink("/var/www/domains", force=True)
s = c.get_statement()
assert "ln -s" in s
assert "-f" in s
assert "/var/www/domains" in s
def test_touch():
c = touch("/path/to/file.txt")
assert "touch /path/to/file.txt" in c.get_statement()
class TestFunction(object):
def test_to_string(self):
f = Function("testing", comment="A test function.")
s = f.to_string()
assert "# A test function." in s
assert "function testing()" in s
assert "touch /path/to/file.txt" in s
class TestPrompt(object):
def test_init(self):
c = Prompt("testing", choices=["yes", "no", "maybe"])
assert type(c.choices) is list
c = Prompt("testing", choices="yes, no, maybe")
assert type(c.choices) is list
c = Prompt("testing")
assert c.choices is None
def test_get_dialog_statement(self):
c = Prompt("testing", choices=["yes", "no", "maybe"], fancy=True)
s = c.get_statement()
assert 'dialog --clear --backtitle "Input" --title "Testing"' in s
assert '--menu "Select" 15 40 3 "yes" 1 "no" 2 "maybe" 3 2>/tmp/input.txt' in s
assert 'testing=$(</tmp/input.txt)' in s
assert 'clear' in s
assert 'rm /tmp/input.txt' in s
c = Prompt("testing", fancy=True, help_text="This is a test.")
s = c.get_statement()
assert 'dialog --clear --backtitle "Input" --title "Testing"' in s
assert '--inputbox "This is a test." 8 60 2>/tmp/input.txt' in s
assert 'testing=$(</tmp/input.txt)' in s
assert 'clear' in s
assert 'rm /tmp/input.txt' in s
c = Prompt("testing", default="it is", fancy=True)
s = c.get_statement()
assert 'if [[ -z "$testing" ]]; then testing="it is"; fi;' in s
def test_get_read_statement(self):
c = Prompt("testing", choices=["yes", "no", "maybe"])
s = c.get_statement()
assert 'options=("yes" "no" "maybe")' in s
assert 'select opt in "${options[@]}"' in s
c = Prompt("testing", default="yes")
s = c.get_statement()
assert 'echo -n "Testing "' in s
assert "read testing" in s
assert 'then testing="yes"' in s