A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import pytest
from scripttease.exceptions import InvalidInput
from scripttease.lib.commands.messages import *
def test_dialog():
c = dialog("This is a test.", title="Testing")
s = c.get_statement(include_comment=False)
# dialog --clear --backtitle "Testing" --msgbox "This is a test." 15 100; clear;
assert 'dialog --clear --backtitle "Testing"' in s
assert '--msgbox "This is a test." 15 100; clear;'
def test_echo():
c = echo("This is a test.")
s = c.get_statement(include_comment=False)
assert "echo" in s
assert "This is a test." in s
def test_explain():
assert explain("this is a test") is not None
def test_mattermost():
with pytest.raises(InvalidInput):
mattermost("This is a test.")
c = mattermost("This is a test.", url="https://example.mattermost.com/asdf/1234")
s = c.get_statement(include_comment=False)
assert "curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data" in s
assert "This is a test." in s
assert "https://example.mattermost.com/asdf/1234" in s
def test_screenshot():
assert screenshot("static/images/testing.png") is not None
def test_slack():
with pytest.raises(InvalidInput):
slack("This is a test.")
c = slack("This is a test.", url="https://example.slack.com/asdf/1234")
s = c.get_statement(include_comment=False)
assert "curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data" in s
assert "This is a test." in s
assert "https://example.slack.com/asdf/1234" in s
def test_twist():
with pytest.raises(InvalidInput):
twist("This is a test.")
c = twist("This is a test.", url="https://example.twist.com/asdf/1234")
s = c.get_statement(include_comment=False)