A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

42 lines
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import pytest
from scripttease.library.commands import Command, ItemizedCommand
from scripttease.parsers import filter_commands, load_commands
def test_filter_commands():
commands = [
Command("apt-get install apache2 -y", environments=["base"], tags=["web"]),
Command("apt-get install apache-top -y", environments=["live"], tags=["web"]),
Command("pip install django-debug-toolbar", environments=["development"], tags=["django"]),
Command("pip install django", environments=["base"], tags=["django"]),
f1 = filter_commands(commands, environments=["base", "live"])
assert len(f1) == 3
f2 = filter_commands(commands, tags=["django"])
assert len(f2) == 2
f3 = filter_commands(commands, environments=["base", "development"])
assert len(f3) == 3
f4 = filter_commands(commands, environments=["base"], tags=["web"])
assert len(f4) == 1
def test_load_commands():
commands = load_commands("nonexistent.xml")
assert commands is None
commands = load_commands("nonexistent.ini")
assert commands is None
commands = load_commands("tests/examples/bad_examples.ini")
assert commands is None
commands = load_commands(
'tags': ["python-support"],
assert len(commands) == 2