A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

175 lines
5.7 KiB

# Imports
from commonkit import parse_jinja_template, read_file, smart_cast, split_csv
from configparser import ConfigParser, ParsingError
import logging
import os
from ..constants import LOGGER_NAME
from ..library.commands import ItemizedCommand
from ..library.commands.templates import Template
from .base import Parser
log = logging.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME)
# Exports
__all__ = (
# Classes
class Config(Parser):
"""An INI configuration for loading commands."""
def load(self):
"""Load commands from a INI file."""
if not self.exists:
return False
if not self.factory.load():
return False
ini = self._load_ini()
if ini is None:
return False
success = True
for comment in ini.sections():
args = list()
command_name = None
count = 0
kwargs = self.options.copy()
kwargs['comment'] = comment
for key, value in ini.items(comment):
# The first key/value pair is the command name and arguments.
if count == 0:
command_name = key
# Arguments surrounded by quotes are considered to be one argument. All others are split into a
# list to be passed to the callback.
if value[0] == '"':
args.append(value.replace('"', ""))
args = value.split(" ")
_key, _value = self._get_key_value(key, value)
kwargs[_key] = _value
count += 1
command = self.factory.get_command(command_name, *args, **kwargs)
if command is not None:
if isinstance(command, self.factory.overlay.Function):
elif isinstance(command, Template):
elif isinstance(command, ItemizedCommand):
itemized_template = False
for c in command.get_commands():
if isinstance(c, Template):
itemized_template = True
if not itemized_template:
# if isinstance(command, Function):
# self._functions.append(command)
# elif isinstance(command, Include):
# subcommands = self._load_include(command)
# if subcommands is not None:
# self._commands += subcommands
# elif isinstance(command, Template):
# self._load_template(command)
# self._commands.append(command)
# elif isinstance(command, ItemizedCommand) and issubclass(command.command_class, Template):
# for c in command.get_commands():
# self._load_template(c)
# self._commands.append(c)
# else:
# self._commands.append(command)
success = False
self.is_loaded = success
return self.is_loaded
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
def _get_key_value(self, key, value):
"""Process a key/value pair from an INI section.
:param key: The key to be processed.
:type key: str
:param value: The value to be processed.
:rtype: tuple
:returns: The key and value, both of which may be modified from the originals.
if key in ("environments", "environs", "envs", "env"):
_key = "environments"
_value = split_csv(value)
elif key in ("func", "function"):
_key = "function"
_value = value
elif key == "items":
_key = "items"
_value = split_csv(value)
elif key == "tags":
_key = "tags"
_value = split_csv(value)
_key = key
_value = smart_cast(value)
return _key, _value
def _load_ini(self):
"""Load the configuration file.
:rtype: ConfigParser | None
ini = ConfigParser()
if self.context is not None:
content = parse_jinja_template(self.path, self.context)
except Exception as e:
log.error("Failed to parse %s as template: %s" % (self.path, e))
return None
content = read_file(self.path)
return ini
except ParsingError as e:
log.error("Failed to parse %s: %s" % (self.path, e))
return None
def _load_template(self, command):
"""Load additional resources for a template command.
:param command: The template command.
:type command: Template
# This may produce problems if template kwargs are the same as the given context.
if self.context is not None:
# Custom locations come before default locations.
command.locations += self.locations
# This allows template files to be specified relative to the configuration file.
command.locations.append(os.path.join(self.directory, "templates"))