A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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.. _how-to:
How To
Create a New Command Overlay
:ref:`topics-overlays` are used to define the commands supported by a given application, service, or operating system. Commands are defined as a function.
1) Define a Module
The first step is to create a new module in which functions will be defined.
.. code-block:: python
# module_name.py
from ..commands import Command
For overlays that represent an operating system, the ``command_exists()`` function is required:
.. code-block:: python
def command_exists(name):
return name in MAPPINGS
2) Define Command Function
The purpose of each function is to provide an interface for instantiating a :py:class:`scripttease.library.commands.base.Command` instance. The example below is taken from the ``posix`` module.
.. code-block:: python
# module_name.py
# ...
def mkdir(path, mode=None, recursive=True, **kwargs):
"""Create a directory.
- path (str): The path to be created.
- mode (int | str): The access permissions of the new directory.
- recursive (bool): Create all directories along the path.
kwargs.setdefault("comment", "create directory %s" % path)
statement = ["mkdir"]
if mode is not None:
statement.append("-m %s" % mode)
if recursive:
return Command(" ".join(statement), **kwargs)
The arguments and any specific keyword arguments are automatically used by the parser, but also serve as a simple interface for programmatic use.
Each function *must* also accept ``**kwargs`` and should set a default for ``comment`` as above.
.. important::
Rather than the usual Spinx-based documentation, define the docstring as shown above. This is used to automatically create the documentation for the command.
3) Add Functions to the Mapping
The final step adds the function to the mapping. This makes it available to the command factory.
.. code-block:: python
# module_name.py
# ...
'mkdir': mkdir,
For overlays that represent an operating system, ``MAPPINGS`` is required -- in addition to ``command_exists()`` above. For commands that are specific to service or application, the name of the dictionary may be anything that is appropriate. For example, ``DJANGO_MAPPINGS``.
Additionally, for an operating system overlay, you may wish to import other mappings and incorporate them into ``MAPPINGS``.
.. code-block:: python
# module_name.py
from ..commands import Command
from .common import COMMON_MAPPINGS
from .django import DJANGO_MAPPINGS
from .pgsql import PGSQL_MAPPINGS
# ...
4) Update Documentation
Add the command mappings to the ``docs/generate_command_signatures.py`` file. See the script for more details.
Export Commands as a Script
You can export commands as a read-to-use script. For example:
.. code-block:: python
config = Config("commands.ini")
if not config.load():
script = config.as_script()
Post a Message to Slack
The slack function may be used to send a message to a Slack channel. This uses the Incoming Webhooks feature, which requires some additional setup.
.. note::
The following steps were accurate as of September 2020.
**1.** Log in to Slack and go to `Your Apps`_.
.. _Your Apps: https://api.slack.com/apps
**2.** Create a new Slack app.
**3.** On the next page, select Incoming Webhooks and then toggle activation.
.. image:: /_static/images/slack-1.jpg
**4.** Next click Add new Webhook to Workspace and select the channel to which the message will be posted.
.. image:: /_static/images/slack-2.jpg
.. image:: /_static/images/slack-3.jpg
**5.** Copy the URL for the new webhook to use as the ``url`` parameter for the Slack command.
.. code-block:: ini
[send a message to slack]
slack: "This is a test message."
url: the URL you created goes here
Post a Message to Twist
The twist function may be used to send a message to Twist, which requires some additional setup.
.. note::
The following steps were accurate as of September 2020.
**1.** Log in to Twist and from the profile menu go to Add Integrations. Then click on Build and "Add a new integration".
**2.** Provide the requested info.
.. image:: _static/images/twist-1.png
**3.** After submitting this info, go to Installation. Select a channel and who to notify. Then click "Install integration".
.. image:: _static/images/twist-2.png
**4.** Copy the "Post content manually" URL for use in your configuration file.
.. code-block:: ini
[post a message to twist]
twist: "This is a test message."
url: the URL you created goes here