Removed snippets approach.

Shawn Davis 2 years ago
parent 558ceb5046
commit a17c1d920c
  1. 0
  2. 32
  3. 109
  4. 62
  5. 22
  6. 87
  7. 115
  8. 5
  9. 125
  10. 33
  11. 41

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
centos = {
'apache': {
'reload': "apachectl -k reload",
'restart': "apachectl -k restart",
'start': "apachectl -k start",
'stop': "apachectl -k stop",
'test': "apachectl configtest",
'install': "yum install -y {{ args[0] }}",
'reload': "systemctl reload {{ args[0] }}",
'restart': "systemctl restart {{ args[0] }}",
'run': "{{ args[0] }}",
'start': "systemctl start {{ args[0] }}",
'stop': "systemctl stop {{ args[0] }}",
'system': {
'reboot': "reboot",
'update': "yum check-update",
'upgrade': "yum update -y",
'uninstall': "yum remove -y {{ args[0] }}",
'upgrade': "yum upgrade -y {{ args[0] }}",
'user': {
'add': [
"adduser {{ args[0] }}",
"{% if home %}--home {{ home }}{% endif %}",
"{% if login %}--shell {{ login }}{% endif %}",
"{% if system %}--system{% endif %}",
"{% if groups %}&& {% for group in groups %}gpasswd -a {{ args[0] }} {{ group }};{% endfor %}{% endif %}"
'remove': "userdel -r {{ args[0] }}",

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
from commonkit import parse_jinja_string
from ...constants import EXCLUDED_KWARGS
def django_command_parser(snippet, args=None, excluded_kwargs=None):
_excluded_kwargs = excluded_kwargs or EXCLUDED_KWARGS
# We need to remove the common options so any remaining keyword arguments are converted to switches for the
# management command.
_kwargs = snippet.kwargs.copy()
for name in _excluded_kwargs:
_kwargs.pop(name, None)
# We need to remove some parameters for dumpdata and loaddata. Otherwise they end up as switches.
if in ("django.dumpdata", "django.loaddata"):
app_name = _kwargs.pop("app", None)
model_name = _kwargs.pop("model", None)
default_path = "fixtures/%s/initial.json" % app_name
if model_name:
default_path = "fixtures/%s/%s.json" % (app_name, model_name.lower())
path = _kwargs.pop("path", default_path)
if 'path' not in snippet.kwargs:
snippet.kwargs['path'] = path
a = list()
command_name = None
for key, value in _kwargs.items():
if key == "_name":
command_name = value
key = key.replace("_", "-")
if type(value) is bool:
if value is True:
a.append("--%s" % key)
a.append("--%s=%s" % (key, value))
context = snippet.context.copy()
context['args'] = args or snippet.args
context['command_name'] = command_name
context['switches'] = " ".join(a)
if type(snippet.content) is list:
b = list()
for i in snippet.content:
b.append(parse_jinja_string(i, context))
return " ".join(b)
return parse_jinja_string(snippet.content, context)
# def django_command_builder(tokens, *args, **kwargs):
# a = list()
# command_name = tokens.pop(0)
# if command_name == "command":
# command_name = tokens.pop(0)
# params = django_convert_params(*args, **kwargs)
# a.append("./ %s" % command_name)
# if len(list(params)) > 0:
# a.append(" ".join(list(params)))
# return a
# def django_convert_params(*args, **kwargs):
# a = list()
# for key, value in kwargs.items():
# key = key.replace("_", "-")
# if type(value) is bool:
# if value is True:
# a.append("--%s" % key)
# else:
# a.append("--%s=%s" % (key, value))
# return " ".join(list(args)), " ".join(a)
django = {
'django': {
'check': "./ check {{ switches }}",
'command': "./ {{ command_name }} {% if args %}{{ ' '.join(args) }}{% endif %} {{ switches }}",
'dumpdata': [
"./ dumpdata {{ app }}{% if model %}.{{ model }}{% endif %}",
# "--indent=4",
"{{ switches }}",
'> {{ path }}',
'loaddata': [
"./ loaddata",
"{{ switches }}"
'{{ path }}',
'migrate': "./ migrate {{ switches }}",
'static': "./ collectstatic {{ switches }}",
'_default': "command",
'_parser': django_command_parser,
'_prefix': "source {{ virtualenv }}/bin/activate",
'_register': ["check", "migrate"]

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
# Imports
from .centos import centos
from .django import django
from .messages import messages
from .mysql import mysql
from .pgsql import pgsql
from .php import php
from .posix import posix
from .python import python
from .ubuntu import ubuntu
# Exports
__all__ = (
# Functions
def merge(first: dict, *others) -> dict:
"""Merge all other dictionaries into the first.
:param first: The first dictionary.
:type first: dict
:param others: A list of other dictionaries to be merged.
for d in others:
first = merge_dictionaries(first, d)
return first
def merge_dictionaries(first: dict, second: dict) -> dict:
"""Merge the second dictionary into the first.
:param first: The first dictionary.
:type first: dict
:param second: The second dictionary.
:type second: dict
:rtype: dict
for key, values in second.items():
first[key] = values
return first
# Mappings
'centos': merge(centos, django, messages, mysql, pgsql, php, posix, python),
'ubuntu': merge(ubuntu, django, messages, mysql, pgsql, php, posix, python),

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
messages = {
'dialog': [
'--backtitle "{{ title|default("Message") }}',
'--msgbox "{{ args[0] }}" {{ height|default("15") }} {{ width|default("100") }};'
'echo': 'echo "{{ args[0] }}"',
'explain': "{{ args[0] }}", # not used, but supports is_valid
'screenshot': "{{ args[0] }}", # not used, but supports is_valid
'slack': [
"curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data",
'{"text": "{{ args[0] }}"}',
"{{ url }}",
'twist': [
"curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data",
'{"content": "{{ args[0] }}", "title": "{{ title|default("Notice") }}"}',
"{{ url }}",

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
mysql = {
'mysql': {
'create': [
"mysqladmin create",
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
'{% if owner %}&& mysql --user {{ admin_user|default("root") }} '
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %} '
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }} '
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }} '
'--execute="GRANT ALL ON {{ args[0] }}.* TO \'{{ owner }}\'@\'{{ host|default("localhost") }}\'"'
'{% endif %}'
'drop': [
"mysqladmin drop",
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
'dump': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'{{ args[0] }} > {{ path|default("dump.sql") }}',
'exec': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'--execute="{{ args[0] }}"',
'{{ database|default("default") }}',
'exists': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'grant': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'--execute="GRANT {{ args[0] }} ON {{ database|default("default") }}.* TO \'{{ user }}\'@\'{{ host|default("localhost") }}\'"'
'user': {
'create': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'--execute="CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS \'{{ args[0] }}\'@\'{{ host|default("localhost") }}\'" '
'{% if password %}IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD(\'{{ password }}\'{% endif %}'
'drop': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'--execute="DROP USER IF EXISTS \'{{ args[0] }}\'@\'{{ host|default("localhost") }}\'"'
'exists': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'--execute="SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM mysql.user WHERE user = \'{{ args[0] }}\')"'

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
from commonkit import parse_jinja_string
def pgsql_command_parser(snippet, args=None):
a = list()
if snippet.admin_pass:
a.append('export PGPASSWORD="%s" &&' % snippet.admin_pass)
if snippet.admin_user:
a.append("-U %s" % snippet.admin_user)
a.append("--host=%s" %
if snippet.port:
a.append("--port=%s" % snippet.port)
context = snippet.context.copy()
context['args'] = args or snippet.args
if type(snippet.content) is list:
b = list()
for i in snippet.content:
b.append(parse_jinja_string(i, context))
return " ".join(b)
return parse_jinja_string(snippet.content, context)
pgsql = {
'pgsql': {
'create': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
"{% if owner %}--owner={{ owner }}{% endif %}",
"{% if template %}--template={{ template }}{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}",
'drop': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
'dump': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
'--file={{ path|default("dump.sql") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}"
'exec': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
"--dbname={{ database }}",
'-c "{{ args[0] }}"',
'exists': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
r"-lqt | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -qw {{ args[0] }}",
'user': {
'create': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
"-DRS {{ args[0] }}", # no create db or roles, and not a superuser
'{% if password %}&& psql -U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }} '
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }} '
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }} '
' -c "ALTER USER {{ args[0] }} WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD \'{{ password }}\';"'
'{% endif %}',
'drop': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}"
'exists': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
'-c "SELECT 1 FROM pgsql_roles WHERE rolnamme={{ args[0] }};"'
# '_parser': pgsql_command_parser,
'_register': ["exists", 'user.exists'],

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
php = {
'php': {
'module': "phpenmod {{ args[0] }}",

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
posix = {
'append': 'echo "{{ content }}" >> {{ args[0] }}',
'archive': [
"tar -cz",
"{% if absolute %}-P{% endif %}",
"{% if view %}-v{% endif %}",
"{% if exclude %}--exclude {{ exclude }}{% endif %}",
"{% if strip %}--strip-components {{ strip }}{% endif %}",
"-f {{ args[0] }} {{ to }}",
'copy': [
"{% if not overwrite %}-n{% endif %}",
"{% if recursive %}-R{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }} {{ args[1] }}"
'dir': [
"{% if recursive %}-p{% endif %}",
"{% if mode %}-m {{ mode }}{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}",
"{% if group %}&& chgrp -R {{ group }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}",
"{% if owner %}&& chown -R {{ owner }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}"
'extract': [
"{% if absolute %}-P{% endif %}",
"{% if view %}-v{% endif %}",
"{% if exclude %}--exclude {{ exclude }}{% endif %}",
"{% if strip %}--script-components {{ strip }}{% endif %}",
'-f {{ args[0] }} {{ to|default("./") }}',
'file': [
"{% if content %}cat > {{ args[0] }} << EOF\n{{ content }}\nEOF{% else %}touch {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}",
"{% if mode %}&& chmod {{ mode }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}",
"{% if group %}&& chgrp {{ group }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}",
"{% if owner %}&& chown {{ owner }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}"
'link': [
"ln -s",
"{% if force %}-f{% endif %}",
'{{ args[0] }} {{ args[1] }}',
'mkdir': [
"{% if recursive %}-p{% endif %}",
"{% if mode %}-m {{ mode }}{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}",
"{% if group %}&& chgrp -R {{ group }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}",
"{% if owner %}&& chown -R {{ owner }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}"
'move': "mv {{ args[0] }} {{ args[1] }}",
'perms': [
"{% if group %}chgrp {% if recursive %}-R {% endif %}{{ group }} {{ args[0] }};{% endif %}",
"{% if mode %}chmod {% if recursive %}-R {% endif %}{{ mode }} {{ args[0] }};{% endif %}",
"{% if owner %}chown {% if recursive %}-R {% endif %}{{ owner }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}",
'push': [
"{% if delete %}--delete{% endif %}",
"{% if links %}--copy-links{% endif %}",
"{% if exclude %}--exclude-from={{ exclude }}{% endif %}",
# --partial and --progress
"{% if recursive %}--recursive{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}",
'-e "ssh -i {{ key_file }} -p {{ port|default("22") }}',
"{{ user }}@{{ host }}:{{ args[1] }}",
'remove': [
"{% if force %}-f{% endif %}",
"{% if recursive %}-r{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}"
'rename': "mv {{ args[0] }} {{ args[1] }}",
'replace': [
'sed -i {{ backup|default(".b") }}',
'"s{{ delimiter|default("/") }}{{ find }}{{ delimiter|default("/") }}{{ sub }}{{ delimiter|default("/") }}g"',
"{{ args[0] }}"
'scopy': [
"{% if key_file %}-i {{ key_file }}{% endif %}",
'-P {{ port|default("22") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
"{{ user }}@{{ host }}:{{ args[1] }}"
'ssl': [
"certbot certonly",
'--email {{ email|default("webmaster@" + args[0]) }}',
"-n --webroot",
'-w {{ webroot|default("/var/www/maint/www") }}',
"-d {{ args[0] }}"
'sync': [
"{% if delete %}--delete{% endif %}",
"{% if links %}--copy-links{% endif %}",
"{% if exclude %}--exclude-from={{ exclude }}{% endif %}",
# --partial and --progress
"{% if recursive %}--rescursive{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}"
"{{ args[1] }}"
'touch': "touch {{ args[0] }}",
'wait': "sleep {{ args[0] }}",
# 'write': [
# "cat > {{ args[0] }} << EOF",
# "\n",
# "{{ content }}",
# "\n",
# "EOF"
# ],
'write': "cat > {{ args[0] }} << EOF\n{{ content }}\nEOF",

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
python = {
'pip': [
"{% if venv %}source {{ venv }}/bin/activate &&{%- endif %}",
"pip{% if version %}{{ version }}{% endif %}",
'{{ op|default("install") }}',
'{% if op == "upgrade" %}--upgrade{% endif %}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
'pip3': [
"{% if venv %}source {{ venv }}/bin/activate &&{%- endif %}",
'pip3 {{ op|default("install") }}',
'{% if op == "upgrade"%}--upgrade{% endif %}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
# 'pip': {
# 'install': [
# "{% if venv %}source {{ venv }} &&{% endif %}",
# "{% if version %}pip{{ version }}{% else %}pip{% endif %}",
# "install {{ args[0] }}",
# ],
# 'remove': [
# "{% if version %}pip{{ version }}{% else %}pip{% endif %}",
# "uninstall {{ args[0] }}",
# ],
# 'upgrade': [
# "{% if version %}pip{{ version }}{% else %}pip{% endif %}",
# "install --upgrade {{ args[0] }}",
# ],
# '_default': "install",
# '_dotted': True,
# },
'virtualenv': "virtualenv {{ args[0] }}",

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
ubuntu = {
'apache': {
# 'disable': '{% if args[0].startswith("mod_") %}a2dismod{% else %}a2dissite{% endif %} {{ args[0] }}',
'disable_module': "a2dismod {{ args[0] }}",
'disable_site': "a2dissite {{ args[0] }}",
# 'enable': '{% if args[0].startswith("mod_") %}a2enmod{% else %}a2ensite{% endif %} {{ args[0] }}',
'enable_module': "a2enmod {{ args[0] }}",
'enable_site': "a2ensite {{ args[0] }}",
'reload': "service apache2 reload",
'restart': "service apache2 restart",
'start': "service apache2 start",
'stop': "service apache2 stop",
'test': "apachectl configtest",
'install': "apt install -y {{ args[0] }}",
'reload': "service {{ args[0] }} reload",
'restart': "service {{ args[0] }} restart",
'run': "{{ args[0] }}",
'start': "service {{ args[0] }} start",
'stop': "service {{ args[0] }} stop",
'system': {
'reboot': "reboot",
'update': "apt-get update -y",
'upgrade': "apt-get upgrade -y",
'uninstall': "apt-get uninstall -y {{ args[0] }}",
'upgrade': "apt-get install -y --only-upgrade {{ args[0] }}",
'user': {
# The gecos switch eliminates the prompts.
# TODO: Deal with user password when creating a user in ubuntu.
'add': [
"adduser {{ args[0] }} --gecos --disabled-password",
"{% if home %}--home {{ home }}{% endif %}",
"{% if login %}--shell {{ login }}{% endif %}",
"{% if system %}--system{% endif %}",
"{% if groups %}&& {% for group in groups %}adduser {{ args[0] }} {{ group }};{% endfor %}{% endif %}"
'remove': "deluser {{ args[0] }}",