Created simple snippets for all existing overlays.

Shawn Davis 3 years ago
parent 68b01d4620
commit fe0778af87
  1. 0
  2. 28
  3. 113
  4. 20
  5. 87
  6. 115
  7. 111
  8. 27
  9. 41

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
centos = {
'apache': {
'reload': "apachectl -k reload",
'restart': "apachectl -k restart",
'start': "apachectl -k start",
'stop': "apachectl -k stop",
'test': "apachectl configtest",
'install': "yum install -y {{ args[0] }}",
'reload': "systemctl reload {{ args[0] }}",
'restart': "systemctl restart {{ args[0] }}",
'start': "systemctl start {{ args[0] }}",
'stop': "systemctl stop {{ args[0] }}",
'system': {
'reboot': "reboot",
'update': "yum check-update",
'upgrade': "yum update -y",
'uninstall': "yum remove -y {{ args[0] }}",
'user': {
'create': [
"adduser {{ args[0] }}",
"{% if home %}--home {{ home }}{% endif %}",
"{% if groups %}&& {% for group in groups %}gpasswd -a {{ args[0] }} {{ group }};{% endfor %}{% endif %}"
'remove': "userdel -r {{ args[0] }}",

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
from commonkit import parse_jinja_string
def django_command_parser(snippet, args=None):
# We need to remove the common options so any remaining keyword arguments are converted to switches for the
# management command.
_kwargs = snippet.kwargs.copy()
_kwargs.pop("environments", None)
_kwargs.pop("prefix", None)
_kwargs.pop("cd", None)
_kwargs.pop("register", None)
_kwargs.pop("shell", None)
_kwargs.pop("stop", None)
_kwargs.pop("tags", None)
_kwargs.pop("venv", None)
# We need to remove some parameters for dumpdata and loaddata. Otherwise they end up as switches.
if in ("django.dumpdata", "django.loaddata"):
app_name = _kwargs.pop("app", None)
model_name = _kwargs.pop("model", None)
default_path = "fixtures/%s/initial.json" % app_name
if model_name:
default_path = "fixtures/%s/%s.json" % (app_name, model_name.lower())
path = _kwargs.pop("path", default_path)
if 'path' not in snippet.kwargs:
snippet.kwargs['path'] = path
a = list()
command_name = None
for key, value in _kwargs.items():
if key == "_name":
command_name = value
key = key.replace("_", "-")
if type(value) is bool:
if value is True:
a.append("--%s" % key)
a.append("--%s=%s" % (key, value))
context = snippet.context.copy()
context['args'] = args or snippet.args
context['command_name'] = command_name
context['switches'] = " ".join(a)
if type(snippet.content) is list:
b = list()
for i in snippet.content:
b.append(parse_jinja_string(i, context))
return " ".join(b)
return parse_jinja_string(snippet.content, context)
# def django_command_builder(tokens, *args, **kwargs):
# a = list()
# command_name = tokens.pop(0)
# if command_name == "command":
# command_name = tokens.pop(0)
# params = django_convert_params(*args, **kwargs)
# a.append("./ %s" % command_name)
# if len(list(params)) > 0:
# a.append(" ".join(list(params)))
# return a
# def django_convert_params(*args, **kwargs):
# a = list()
# for key, value in kwargs.items():
# key = key.replace("_", "-")
# if type(value) is bool:
# if value is True:
# a.append("--%s" % key)
# else:
# a.append("--%s=%s" % (key, value))
# return " ".join(list(args)), " ".join(a)
django = {
'django': {
'check': "./ check {{ switches }}",
'command': "./ {{ command_name }} {% if args %}{{ ' '.join(args) }}{% endif %} {{ switches }}",
'dumpdata': [
"./ dumpdata {{ app }}{% if model %}.{{ model }}{% endif %}",
"{{ switches }}",
'> {{ path }}',
'loaddata': [
"./ loaddata",
"{{ switches }}"
'{{ path }}',
'migrate': "./ migrate {{ switches }}",
'static': "./ collectstatic {{ switches }}",
'_default': "command",
'_parser': django_command_parser,
'_prefix': "source {{ virtualenv }}/bin/activate",
'_register': ["check", "migrate"]

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
messages = {
'dialog': [
'--backtitle "{{ title|default("Message") }}',
'--msgbox "{{ args[0] }}" {{ height|default("15") }} {{ width|default("100") }};'
'echo': 'echo "{{ args[0] }}"',
'slack': [
"curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data",
'{"text": "{{ args[0] }}"}',
"{{ url }}",
'twist': [
"curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data",
'{"content": "{{ args[0] }}", "title": "{{ title|default("Notice") }}"}',
"{{ url }}",

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
mysql = {
'mysql': {
'create': [
"mysqladmin create",
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
'{% if owner %}&& mysql --user {{ admin_user|default("root") }} '
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %} '
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }} '
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }} '
'--execute="GRANT ALL ON {{ args[0] }}.* TO \'{{ owner }}\'@\'{{ host|default("localhost") }}\'"'
'{% endif %}'
'drop': [
"mysqladmin drop",
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
'dump': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'{{ args[0] }} > {{ path|default("dump.sql") }}',
'exec': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'--execute="{{ args[0] }}"',
'{{ database|default("default") }}',
'exists': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'grant': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'--execute="GRANT {{ args[0] }} ON {{ database }}.* TO \'{{ user }}\'@\'{{ host|default("localhost") }}\'"'
'user': {
'create': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'--execute="CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS \'{{ args[0] }}\'@\'{{ host|default("localhost") }}\'" '
'{% if password %}IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD(\'{{ password }}\'{% endif %}'
'drop': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'--execute="DROP USER IF EXISTS \'{{ args[0] }}\'@\'{{ host|default("localhost") }}\'"'
'exists': [
'--user={{ admin_user|default("root") }}',
'{% if admin_pass %}--password="{{ admin_pass }}"{% endif %}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("3306") }}',
'--execute="SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM mysql.user WHERE user = \'{{ args[0] }}\')"'

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
from commonkit import parse_jinja_string
def pgsql_command_parser(snippet, args=None):
a = list()
if snippet.admin_pass:
a.append('export PGPASSWORD="%s" &&' % snippet.admin_pass)
if snippet.admin_user:
a.append("-U %s" % snippet.admin_user)
a.append("--host=%s" %
if snippet.port:
a.append("--port=%s" % snippet.port)
context = snippet.context.copy()
context['args'] = args or snippet.args
if type(snippet.content) is list:
b = list()
for i in snippet.content:
b.append(parse_jinja_string(i, context))
return " ".join(b)
return parse_jinja_string(snippet.content, context)
pgsql = {
'pgsql': {
'create': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
"{% if owner %}--owner={{ owner }}{% endif %}",
"{% if template %}--template={{ template }}{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}",
'drop': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
'dump': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
'--file={{ file_name|default("dump.sql") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}"
'exec': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
"--dbname={{ database }}",
'-c "{{ args[0] }}"',
'exists': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
r"-lqt | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -qw {{ args[0] }}",
'user': {
'create': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
"-DRS {{ args[0] }}",
'{% if password %}&& psql -U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }} '
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }} '
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }} '
' -c "ALTER USER {{ args[0] }} WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD \'{{ password }}\';"'
'{% endif %}',
'drop': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}"
'exists': [
'{% if admin_pass %}export PGPASSWORD="{{ admin_pass }}" &&{% endif %}',
'-U {{ admin_user|default("postgres") }}',
'--host={{ host|default("localhost") }}',
'--port={{ port|default("5432") }}',
'-c "SELECT 1 FROM pgsql_roles WHERE rolnamme={{ args[0] }};"'
# '_parser': pgsql_command_parser,
'_register': ["exists", 'user.exists'],

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
posix = {
'append': 'echo "{{ content }}" >> {{ args[0] }}',
'archive': [
"tar -cz",
"{% if absolute %}-P{% endif %}",
"{% if view %}-v{% endif %}",
"{% if exclude %}--exclude {{ exclude }}{% endif %}",
"{% if strip %}--strip-components {{ strip }}{% endif %}",
"-f {{ args[0] }} {{ to }}",
'copy': [
"{% if not overwrite %}-n{% endif %}",
"{% if recursive %}-R{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }} {{ args[1] }}"
'extract': [
"{% if absolute %}-P{% endif %}",
"{% if view %}-v{% endif %}",
"{% if exclude %}--exclude {{ exclude }}{% endif %}",
"{% if strip %}--script-components {{ strip }}{% endif %}",
'-f {{ args[0] }} {{ to|default("./") }}',
'link': [
"ln -s",
"{% if force %}-f{% endif %}",
'{{ args[0] }} {{ args[1] }}',
'mkdir': [
"{% if recursive %}-p{% endif %}",
"{% if mode %}-m {{ mode }}{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}",
"{% if group %}&& chgrp -R {{ group }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}",
"{% if owner %}&& chown -R {{ owner }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}"
'move': "mv {{ args[0] }} {{ args[1] }}",
'perms': [
"{% if group %}chgrp {% if recursive %}-R {% endif %}{{ group }} {{ args[0] }};{% endif %}",
"{% if mode %}chmod {% if recursive %}-R {% endif %}{{ mode }} {{ args[0] }};{% endif %}",
"{% if owner %}chown {% if recursive %}-R {% endif %}{{ owner }} {{ args[0] }}{% endif %}",
'push': [
"{% if delete %}--delete{% endif %}",
"{% if links %}--copy-links{% endif %}",
"{% if exclude %}--exclude-from={{ exclude }}{% endif %}",
# --partial and --progress
"{% if recursive %}--recursive{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}",
'-e "ssh -i {{ key_file }} -p {{ port|default("22") }}',
"{{ user }}@{{ host }}:{{ args[1] }}",
'remove': [
"{% if force %}-f{% endif %}",
"{% if recursive %}-r{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}"
'rename': "mv {{ args[0] }} {{ args[1] }}",
'replace': [
'sed -i {{ backup|default(".b") }}',
'"s{{ delimiter|default("/") }}{{ find }}{{ delimiter|default("/") }}{{ sub }}{{ delimiter|default("/") }}g"',
"{{ args[0] }}"
'scopy': [
"{% if key_file %}-i {{ key_file }}{% endif %}",
'-P {{ port|default("22") }}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
"{{ user }}@{{ host }}:{{ args[1] }}"
'ssl': [
"certbot certonly",
'--email {{ email|default("webmaster@" + args[0]) }}',
"-n --webroot",
'-w {{ webroot|default("/var/www/maint/www") }}',
"-d {{ args[0] }}"
'sync': [
"{% if delete %}--delete{% endif %}",
"{% if links %}--copy-links{% endif %}",
"{% if exclude %}--exclude-from={{ exclude }}{% endif %}",
# --partial and --progress
"{% if recursive %}--rescursive{% endif %}",
"{{ args[0] }}"
"{{ args[1] }}"
'touch': "touch {{ args[0] }}",
'wait': "sleep {{ args[0] }}",
# 'write': [
# "cat > {{ args[0] }} << EOF",
# "\n",
# "{{ content }}",
# "\n",
# "EOF"
# ],
'write': "cat > {{ args[0] }} << EOF\n{{ content }}\nEOF",

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
python = {
'pip': [
"{% if venv %}source {{ venv }}/bin/activate &&{%- endif %}",
"pip{% if version %}{{ version }}{% endif %}",
'{{ op|default("install") }}',
'{% if op == "upgrade" %}--upgrade{% endif %}',
"{{ args[0] }}",
# 'pip': {
# 'install': [
# "{% if venv %}source {{ venv }} &&{% endif %}",
# "{% if version %}pip{{ version }}{% else %}pip{% endif %}",
# "install {{ args[0] }}",
# ],
# 'remove': [
# "{% if version %}pip{{ version }}{% else %}pip{% endif %}",
# "uninstall {{ args[0] }}",
# ],
# 'upgrade': [
# "{% if version %}pip{{ version }}{% else %}pip{% endif %}",
# "install --upgrade {{ args[0] }}",
# ],
# '_default': "install",
# '_dotted': True,
# },
'virtualenv': "virtualenv {{ args[0] }}",

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
ubuntu = {
'apache': {
'disable': '{% if args[0].startswith("mod_") %}a2dismod{% else %}a2dissite{% endif %} {{ args[0] }}',
'disable_module': "a2dissite {{ args[0] }}",
'disable_site': "a2dismod {{ args[0] }}",
'enable': '{% if args[0].startswith("mod_") %}a2denmod{% else %}a2ensite{% endif %} {{ args[0] }}',
'enable_module': "a2enmod {{ args[0] }}",
'enable_site': "a2ensite {{ args[0] }}",
'reload': "service apache2 reload",
'restart': "service apache2 restart",
'start': "service apache2 start",
'stop': "service apache2 stop",
'test': "apachectl configtest",
'install': "apt-get install -y {{ args[0] }}",
'run': "{{ args[0] }}",
'service': {
'reload': "service {{ args[0] }} reload",
'restart': "service {{ args[0] }} restart",
'start': "service {{ args[0] }} start",
'stop': "service {{ args[0] }} stop",
'system': {
'reboot': "reboot",
'update': "apt-get update -y",
'upgrade': "apt-get upgrade -y",
'uninstall': "apt-get uninstall -y {{ args[0] }}",
'upgrade': "apt-get install -y --only-upgrade {{ args[0] }}",
'user': {
# The gecos switch eliminates the prompts.
# TODO: Deal with user password when creating a user in ubuntu.
'create': [
"adduser {{ args[0] }} --gecos --disabled-password",
"{% if home %}--home {{ home }}{% endif %}",
"{% if groups %}&& {% for group in groups %}adduser {{ args[0] }} {{ group }};{% endfor %}{% endif %}"
'remove': "deluser {{ args[0] }}",