A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1013 B

Define A Custom Command

!!! note It is not currently possible to define a custom command which may be used with the tease command.

1) Create A Function

Create a function that does what you want:

# mycommands.py
from scripttease.lib.commands.base import Command

def do_something_impressive(arg1, **kwargs):
    return Command("ls -ls %s" % arg1, **kwargs)

!!! important kwargs are always required.

2) Create A Mapping

# mycommands.py
    'impressive': do_something_impressive,

impressive is now mapped to the function which creates the command.

3) Supply The Mapping to the Command Factory

from scripttease.lib.factories import command_factory
from scripttease.lib.loaders import INILoader
from .mycommands import MAPPINGS

ini = INILoader("path/to/commands.ini")

commands = command_factory(ini, mappings=MAPPINGS)

4) Include the Custom Command

[this is my custom command]
impressive: testing