A collection of classes and commands for automated command line scripting using Python.
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The tease command may be used to parse a steps file, providing additional utilities for working with commands.

Getting Help

Use tease -h to get started. There are three (3) sub-commands: docs, inventory, and script.

usage: tease [-h] [-v] [--version] docs, inventory, script ...

positional arguments:
  docs, inventory, script
    docs                Output documentation instead of code.
    inventory (inv)     Copy an inventory item to a local directory.
    script              Output the commands.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v                    Show version number and exit.
  --version             Show verbose version information and exit.


    This command is used to parse configuration files and output the commands.

The Docs Sub-Command

A nice benefit of using configuration for commands is that the information may be used to output documentation. This allows the automatic creation of an install guide or tutorial using exactly the same commands that would be used for the actual work.

Additionally, Script Tease provides the explain and screenshot commands that help provide extra content for documentary output.

usage: tease docs [-h] [-o= {html,md,plain,rst}] [-C= VARIABLES] [-i= STEPS_FILE] [-O= OPTIONS] [-P= {centos,ubuntu}]
                  [-T= TEMPLATE_LOCATIONS] [-w= OUTPUT_FILE] [-V= VARIABLES_FILE] [-D] [-p]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o= {html,md,plain,rst}, --output-format= {html,md,plain,rst}
                        The output format; HTML, Markdown, plain text, or ReStructuredText.
                        Context variables for use in pre-parsing the config and templates. In the form of: name:value
  -i= STEPS_FILE, --input-file= STEPS_FILE
                        The path to the configuration file.
  -O= OPTIONS, --option= OPTIONS
                        Common command options in the form of: name:value
  -P= {centos,ubuntu}, --profile= {centos,ubuntu}
                        The OS profile to use.
                        The location of template files that may be used with the template command.
                        Write the output to disk.
  -V= VARIABLES_FILE, --variables-file= VARIABLES_FILE
                        Load variables from a file.
  -D, --debug           Enable debug mode. Produces extra output.
  -p                    Preview mode.

The Inventory Sub-Command

Script Tease ships with few pre-defined configurations that may be copied to a local directory.

Use tease inv ? to list available inventory items.

usage: tease inventory [-h] [-P= TO_PATH] [-D] [-p] name

positional arguments:
  name                  The name of the inventory item. Use ? to list available items.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -P= TO_PATH, --path= TO_PATH
                        The path to where the item should be copied. Defaults to the current working directory.
  -D, --debug           Enable debug mode. Produces extra output.
  -p                    Preview mode.

!!! note "Road Map" A future release will include support for multiple inventory locations that may be defined by the user.

The Script Sub-Command

The script sub-command exports command configuration to actual Bash statements. Minimum usage is

tease -i steps.ini

This will output the statements represented in the specified configuration file. There are quite a few other parameters.

usage: tease script [-h] [-c] [-s] [-C= VARIABLES] [-i= STEPS_FILE] [-O= OPTIONS] [-P= {centos,ubuntu}] [-T= TEMPLATE_LOCATIONS]
                    [-w= OUTPUT_FILE] [-V= VARIABLES_FILE] [-D] [-p]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --color           Enable code highlighting for terminal output.
  -s, --shebang         Add the shebang to the beginning of the output.
                        Context variables for use in pre-parsing the config and templates. In the form of: name:value
  -i= STEPS_FILE, --input-file= STEPS_FILE
                        The path to the configuration file.
  -O= OPTIONS, --option= OPTIONS
                        Common command options in the form of: name:value
  -P= {centos,ubuntu}, --profile= {centos,ubuntu}
                        The OS profile to use.
                        The location of template files that may be used with the template command.
                        Write the output to disk.
  -V= VARIABLES_FILE, --variables-file= VARIABLES_FILE
                        Load variables from a file.
  -D, --debug           Enable debug mode. Produces extra output.
  -p                    Preview mode.

Context Variables May be Provided on the Command Line

To supply context variables on the command line:

tease -C domain_name:example.com -C domain_tld:example_com

!!! important Variables provided on the command will always override those provided in a file.

Loading Context Variables from a File

Context variables may be loaded from a file:

value = example.com
value = example_com

The variables above are available as template variables in a steps file.

For example, {{ domain_name }} becomes example.com.

To load the variables file, use the -V switch:

tease -i steps.ini -V variables.ini

Setting Common Options for All Commands

Rather than include a common parameter in the configuration file, it is possible to specify a common option on the command line.

tease -O sudo:yes

The Difference Between Variables and Options

Variables are used to pre-process configuration files as templates, while common options are passed to all command instances.